Staff recommends that City Council adopt a resolution to approve a design-assist construction agreement with Carter/Kelly, Inc. for the Solaire Park project, and authorize the City Manager to execute it on behalf of the City.
Solaire Park (formerly WB-50) is an 8.74-acre park site located in the Westbrook area of Sierra Vista off of Solaire Drive near Silver Spruce Drive. Development of the park is being performed as a Design-Assist-Build contract. This delivery model was chosen in order to achieve a higher level of cost controls, be more efficient in ensuring timelines for completion and to minimize change orders through early collaboration with a contractor.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for contractors was issued using 30% completion of construction drawings developed by Callander Associates Landscape Architecture, Inc. under a separate Design-Assist-Build Professional Design Agreement that was approved by Council at the July 21, 2021 meeting along with the park master plan. The 30% construction drawings included in the RFP for construction include a children’s play and swing area, shaded picnic area, a baseball/softball field, a restroom, a game area with game tables, an exercise pod area, multi-use turf, a perimeter walkway connecting to the adjacent elementary school and educational signs (about the solar system). The Design-Assist Construction RFP is broken into two phases: pre-construction services which include design refinement and value engineering, and the second phase is defined as construction.
Proposals for the RFP were received March 9, 2022, with Carter/Kelly, Inc. submitting the sole response to the RFP, with an estimated Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $1,620,438 based on the City-directed 30% drawings and a City-directed hard cost construction estimate of $1,125,000, plus contractor’s Cost Proposal. Following preconstruction services and further development of the Scope of Work, and when Construction Documents are 90% complete, a revised GMP will be presented for City approval to be incorporated by Change Order.
Given the rise in construction costs and labor and manufacturing challenges, it is anticipated that full build-out of the master plan will not occur. The value engineering component of this contract will help identify what can be constructed within the budgeted amount. Once identified, staff will inform the community of any required changes.
Funding for construction of the park was included in the FY2021-22 CIP budget through the Westbrook Park Development Fund (Fund 3318). The total budget for construction of Solaire Park $1,825,000, including all hard (construction) and soft (permits, design, inspection, etc.) costs. The funding source for maintenance is provided through the Westbrook Community Facilities District No. 2 (Public Services).
Development of the WB-50 Neighborhood/School Park was previously evaluated in the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (SVSP) EIR (certified May 5, 2010, SCH No. 2008032115) and identified in the associated Sierra Vista Specific Plan. As proposed, construction of the WB-50 Neighborhood Park is within the scope of the project covered by the SVSP Final EIR. As discussed in the Specific Plan EIR, the EIR provides environmental analyses of community infrastructure and facilities, including parks, pedestrian bridges, and bike trails, to the extent applicable. Because the project is consistent with the SVSP Final EIR and Specific Plan, no new effects would be expected to occur and all applicable mitigation measures from the SVSP EIR will be implemented during the design and construction of the WB-50 Neighborhood/School Park. Because the proposed project meets the requirements identified in Section 15183 of the State CEQA Guidelines, no additional CEQA review is required.
Goal C - Maintain a safe and healthy community
Goal E - Deliver exceptional city services
Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth
| Respectfully Submitted,
Joel De Jong, Park Development Project Manager
Jill Geller, Director, Parks, Recreation & Libraries | |
Dominick Casey, City Manager