Item Coversheet
CC #: 2242
File #: 0400-02-12-2 & 0400-03 & 0400-04
Title:Sierra Vista Specific Plan Parcel JM-41 and JM-30 - General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Development Agreement Amendment

  Shelby Maples 916-746-1347


Meeting Date: 8/3/2022

Item #: 10.2.


At the June 23, 2022 Planning Commission hearing, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council take the following actions on the project:

1. Consider the Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report;

2. Adopt a resolution approving the land use amendments to the General Plan;

3. Adopt a resolution approving text and land use amendments to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan;

4. Adopt the two (2) findings of fact and introduce for first reading an ordinance adopting the Rezone; and

5. Adopt the five (5) findings of fact and introduce for first reading an ordinance approving the Third Amendment of the Development Agreement by and between the City of Roseville and SVC1, LLC relative to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan and authorizing the City Manager to execute it on behalf of the City of Roseville.


The project site is within the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (SVSP) area. The SVSP was adopted on May 5, 2010 and includes 2,064 acres west of Fiddyment Road, north of Baseline Road. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was certified and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program was adopted with the SVSP. Additionally, the City entered into several Development Agreements with the property owners of the SVSP parcels to outline development obligations within the plan area.


The project site, Parcels JM-30 and JM-41, is located on approximately 21 acres at the southwest corner of the intersection of Pleasant Grove Bl. and Fiddyment Rd. in the SVSP. Large lot parcel JM-30 is approximately 7.51 acres, with a High Density Residential (HDR-23.5) land use designation and Multifamily Housing (R3) zoning designation. Parcel JM-41 is approximately 13.48 acres in size and has a land use and zoning designation of Community Commercial (CC).


The project request includes a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Rezone to adjust the boundary between HDR parcel JM-30 and CC parcel JM-41. This would convert 0.44 net acres from HDR land use to CC land use. The zoning designation would be modified to reflect the land use changes. The project also requests the third amendment of the Mourier and Computer Deductions Development Agreement (DA) to reflect the proposed changes.


Summary Evaluation

The project involves the reconfiguration of two large lot parcels, Parcels JM-30 and JM-41, within the SVSP area. The General Plan land use map and associated table will be updated to reflect the land use changes. Text, table, and figures of the SVSP document will be updated to reflect the land use changes and unit transfers. The Rezone will align with the proposed land use modifications. A Development Agreement Amendment (DAA) of the Mourier and Computer Deductions Development Agreement is also requested as part of the project to include the proposed land use changes. No other changes to the DA are proposed.


The project will reconfigure and reduce large lot parcel JM-30 from 7.51 acres to 7.07 acres. The number of units will remain the same at 176 units. Reducing the area of the parcel will increase the density of development from 23.4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) to 24.9 du/ac. The density will remain similar to other High Density Residential parcels in the SVSP, which range from 20.0 du/ac to 30.0 du/ac. As proposed, the modification is consistent with the intent of the SVSP.

Parcel JM-41 has a CC/SA land use designation in the SVSP, and is one of two parcels in the Specific Plan identified for a combination of commercial and business professional uses. The SVSP anticipates that this site could develop with approximately 250,000 square feet of nonresidential uses with a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.4.  The proposed modification will increase the area of the site to 13.92 acres from 13.48 acres, and at an FAR of 0.4 can accommodate approximately 243,000 square feet of development. The SVSP Design Guidelines include an illustrative concept plan for future development of parcel JM-41. The project proposes a revised Figure B-31 to accompany the land use amendment, showing a conceptual layout for the overall site. Based on the conceptual plan provided, future development of parcel JM-41 remains consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan. No development plans are proposed at this time.

It is also noted that the proposed land use adjustment will connect the commercial site with adjacent West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) parcel W-20. Parcel W-20 was modified from a Low Density Residential (LDR) parcel to a CC parcel as a part of the Coffee Shack project, approved by City Council in April of 2021 (File # PL20-0142). That approval allowed a future coffee kiosk with outdoor seating and a drive-through lane, and included a rezone with a Special Area overlay to ensure that only uses considered compatible with adjacent residential land uses would be permitted or conditionally permitted. The land use boundary adjustment would allow parcels JM-41 and W-20 to function as one commercial center.  Future development of both JM-30 and JM-41 will be subject to design review.

The proposed land use amendments, Rezone, and DAA are consistent with the intent of the General Plan, SVSP, and the SVSP Design Guidelines, and will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, or welfare of the City.

Public Outreach

Early notification of the project was provided to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Association (RCONA) board. A notice of the Planning Commission hearing was sent to neighbors and property owners within 300 feet of the project parcels, as well as published in the newspaper and online. No comments were received on the project.


Summary of Planning Commission Meeting

The project was heard by the City’s Planning Commission on June 23, 2022. The applicant’s representative addressed the Commission, spoke in favor of the project, and requested that the Commission take the actions recommended by staff. No comments from the public were received. The Planning Commission approved the Tentative Subdivision Map for the project, which subdivided parcels JM-30 and JM-41 into one HDR parcel (JM-30) and 11 commercial parcels (located on large lot Parcel JM-41). Additionally, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Development Agreement Amendment.


The project is not anticipated to result in negative impacts to the City’s General Fund.


Consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, regarding previously certified and adopted Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), an Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan EIR (SCH #2008032115, certified May 5, 2010) has been prepared to cover the minor technical changes and additions necessary to describe the impacts of the proposed project.  The SVSP EIR Addendum is provided as Exhibit A. The proposed project does not change the area of disturbance beyond what was previously evaluated in the SVSP EIR, and no new or substantially more severe impacts will occur with the development of the proposed project; therefore, no additional analysis is required.



Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Shelby Maples, Associate Planner

Mike Isom, Development Services Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Attachment 1 - June 23, 2022 Planning Commission Staff Report and Attachments
Exhibit A - Addendum to SVSP EIR
Resolution 22-310
Exhibit B - General Plan Amendment
Resolution 22-311
Exhibit C - Specific Plan Amendment
Ordinance - Rezone
Exhibit D - Rezone
Exhibit E - SVSP Change Pages
Ordinance - Third Amendment to Mourier and Computer Deductions DA
Exhibit F - Third Amendment to Mourier and Computer Deductions DA
Vicinity Map