Item Coversheet
CC #: 2465
File #: 0800-02
Title:2022 Water Management Plan Adoption

  Bobby Alvarez 916-746-1710


Meeting Date: 12/21/2022

Item #: 10.2.


Staff recommends the City Council:


1.    Hold a public hearing and receive public comment on the 2022 Water Management Plan pursuant to California Water Code sections 10640 et al.; and

2.    After the public hearing, adopt a resolution approving the 2022 Water Management Plan and authorizing staff to submit the final 2022 Water Management Plan to the United States Bureau of Reclamation.


The Central Valley Improvement Act of 1992 (CVPIA) and Section 210(b) of the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982 require certain entities (including the City of Roseville) that enter into a water service or repayment contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) to prepare and submit to USBR a Water Management Plan (WMP).  Water management and water management planning are ongoing processes that begin with the preparation of a comprehensive WMP.  The WMP is an analysis of the City’s water supplies and usage, a summary of prior water conservation efforts, and a description of future water conservation activities to implement.  The WMP is used to optimize the beneficial use of water resources including ground water, recycled/reused water, and surface water.  It also helps to educate customers about the opportunities for and the benefits of water conservation in the context of watershed management.

The 2022 WMP encompasses data from 2017 through 2021.  The previous WMP submitted by Roseville to the USBR included data through 2016 and was prepared in 2017.


Water conservation programs are a condition of City water contracts, regional agreements, and a matter of state law with the passage of SB X7-7 in 2009. Planning continues on an annual basis and is included in all rate analyses and proposed budgets for the Water Operations Fund. 


The proposed activity is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA does not apply to the preparation and adoption of Urban Water Management plans (California Water Code §10652). The proposed plan would not affect water supplies for fish and wildlife, or expand or add water supplies, and therefore no further environmental review is required.


Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobby Alvarez, Water Conservation Administrator

Richard Plecker, Environmental Utilities Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 22-469
City of Roseville 2022 Water Management Plan
Notice of Public Hearing