Item Coversheet
CC #: 3021
File #: 0709-03 & 0214 & 0201-01
Title:Community Development Block Grant - Budget Adjustment

  Kristine Faelz 916-774-5451

  Claudia Carreno 916-774-5476


Meeting Date: 11/1/2023

Item #: 7.17.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving a budget adjustment to increase revenues and expenditures in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund.

The City became a CDBG entitlement jurisdiction in 1986. These annual grants fund affordable housing, public facilities and improvements, planning, program administration, and public service activities. The annual grant funding is allocated from the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the amount awarded to each program is subject to the federal budgeting process.


In June of 2023, City Council adopted the FY2023-24 estimated CDBG budget. HUD notified the City of its FY2023-24 entitlement award of $691,234 after the budget was adopted and approved. Staff then finalized and submitted the annual spending plan to HUD for approval. Following HUD's approval, Housing Division staff is requesting this budget adjustment to align the CDBG budget with the 2023-24 Action Plan.


On March 27, 2020 the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was enacted to provide emergency assistance and health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the City was awarded a total of $1,213,133 in the special allocation of CARES Act CDBG funds. Since then, $1,100,455 has been spent on various activities to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the coronavirus. The balance of the funds, in the amount of $112,677, is anticipated to be expended in FY2023-24.


The total funding available of $1,342,343 is comprised of $691,234 from the FY2023-24 grant award, unexpended funds of $488,431 from FY2020-23, $112,677 in CARES Act funding, and an estimated $50,000 in program income available to grant in FY2023-24.


On May 3, 2023, Council approved the Annual Action Plan for FY2023-24. The plan included funding for six public services projects, an affordable housing acquisition project; owner-occupied housing rehabilitation projects; and administrative expenses.


The recommended budget adjustment will align the budget with the 2023-24 CDBG grant and add unspent availability from prior years. The expenditures in the attached budget adjustment total $248,298 and will be added to the adopted budget of $957,678, along with the budget carry forward of $115,155, for a total of $1,321,131. The revenues in the attached budget adjustment total $195,976 and will be added to the adopted budget of $1,010,000 for a total of $1,321,131. The decrease in the CDBG fund balance accounts for the revenue budget being greater than expenditures at budget adoption. CDBG Funds are awarded through an annual entitlement grant from the federal Housing and Urban Development Department. This budget adjustment has no impact to the General Fund.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, or is otherwise not considered a project as defined by CEQA Statute §21065 and CEQA State Guidelines §15060(c)(3) and §15378. Approval of a budget adjustment meets the above criteria and is not subject to CEQA. No additional environmental review is required.


Goal C - Maintain a safe and healthy community

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristine Faelz, Housing Analyst

Melissa Anguiano, Economic Development Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Ordinance 6743
CDBG Budget Adjustment