Item Coversheet
CC #: 3022
File #: 0203-07
Title:Data Cabling and Low Voltage Services - Contract Purchase Agreements

  Darci Carpenter 916-774-5702


Meeting Date: 11/1/2023

Item #: 7.7.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt resolutions authorizing the City Manager to execute contract purchase agreements with Ultra Link Cabling Systems Inc and Integrity Data & Fiber Inc to perform data cabling and low voltage services. Staff also requests authorization for the City Manager to execute four (4) additional one (1) year renewals without further City Council approval, provided that the applicable budget is approved each year, or until the contract expires, or until staff determine that continuing with the same vendor is not in the City’s best interest. 


In August 2023, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Data Cabling and Low Voltage services. Six qualified proposals were received. After careful review and rating of each proposal, staff recommends awarding a service agreement to two vendors, Ultra Link Cabling Systems Inc and Integrity Data & Fiber Inc, to perform Data Cabling and Low Voltage services at City facilities. The total combined value of the agreements is $160,000. The intent of the City is to enter into a five-year agreement, with an initial one-year period and four optional renewal years, with the selected vendors.


The estimated total annual cost for Data Cabling and Low Voltage services is $160,000.  Funding is included in the fiscal year 2023-24 budgets of the Facility Services and Rehabilitation Funds and the Information Technology Operations and Replacement Funds. The funds will be encumbered one year at a time pending Council approval of budget for each year.  Projected spending for the optional renewal years is as follows: FY2024-25, $160,000; FY2025-26, $160,000; FY2026-27, $160,000; and FY2027-28, $160,000.


The proposed project involves the repair and maintenance of an existing facility. This activity is categorically exempt from CEQA as a Class 1 Exemption (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301).  The Exemption has been prepared and no further CEQA action is required.



Goal A - Remain fiscally responsible in a changing world

Goal E - Deliver exceptional city services

Respectfully Submitted,

Darci Carpenter, Administrative Technician

Jason Shykowski, Public Works Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 23-430
CPA 3003279 Ultra Link Cabling Sys Inc
Resolution 23-431
CPA 3003281 Integrity Data & Fiber Inc
CEQA Exemption