Item Coversheet
CC #: 3014
File #: 0900-02
Title:Barton Road Water Treatment Plant East Applied Pipeline Project - Award of Contract

  Jonathan Cummings 916-774-5566


Meeting Date: 11/1/2023

Item #: 7.2.


Staff recommends that City Council:

  1. Approve the Construction Agreement for the Barton Road Water Treatment Plant East Applied Pipeline Project with BWD Construction, Inc. dba BWD General Engineering Contractors in the amount of $335,030 and adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the attached construction agreement for the project; and
  2. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to approve and pay for contract change orders for this project that could increase the contract amount by no more than 10 percent ($33,503) or a not-to-exceed total contract amount of $368,533.


In 2019, the City conducted a condition assessment of major assets at the Barton Road Water Treatment Plant (BRWTP). The goal of the project was to establish a baseline condition of the water treatment plant and acquire pertinent data for forecasting capital improvements and funding needs to support the Environmental Utilities Department’s rehabilitation planning process.

The BRWTP Condition Assessment included a non-invasive visual inspection of the 72-inch East Applied Pipeline and a geotechnical analysis of the supporting soils. The pipeline serves as the primary effluent for the treatment facility’s flocculation and sedimentation basins. Originally designed and constructed as a subgrade alignment, approximately 100 feet of the pipeline has been partially exposed since 2006 as a result of excavation required for adjacent construction of the facility’s mechanical dewatering building, which was completed as part of the Water Treatment Plant Expansion Phase III Project. To extend the longevity of the pipeline and increase its ability to withstand seismic forces, this Project includes improvements to the pipeline’s structural supports, its connection to the adjacent flocculation and sedimentation basin, and stormwater drainage around the pipeline. 

The designs and specifications for the pipeline improvements were approved by Council on August 16, 2023, and a call for bids was published on August 25, 2023.  On September 19, 2023, two (2) firms submitted bids to the City Clerk’s office, and a public bid opening identified BWD Construction, Inc. dba BWD General Engineering Contractors as the apparent low bidder. Staff reviewed the proposal/bid documents, and recommends that the contract be awarded to BWD Construction, Inc. dba BWD General Engineering Contractors.  

The total construction cost for this Project is estimated to be $403,600, and includes the cost for construction, contingency for potential change orders, and secondary labor, and is within the existing project budget.  Project expenses will be paid from the Water Rehabilitation Fund, which is funded by revenue from water utility sales.


The proposed project involves the repair of an existing facility. This activity is categorically exempt from CEQA as a Class 1 Exemption (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301). The Exemption has been prepared and no further CEQA action is required.


Goal C - Maintain a safe and healthy community

Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Jonathan Cummings, Associate Engineer

Richard Plecker, Environmental Utilities Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 23-422
Bid Summary Sheet
Notice of Exemption