Item Coversheet
CC #: 3026
File #: 0203-09
Title:Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment – Sole Source Contract Purchase Agreement

  Jeremy Snyder 916-746-1829


Meeting Date: 11/1/2023

Item #: 7.8.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to approve the Sole Source Contract Purchase Agreement #3002893 with Trojan Technologies Group ULC for the factory start up and installation oversight of the Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment at the Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant and authorize the City Manager to execute it on behalf of the City of Roseville. 

The Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (PGWWTP) has existing Trojan System UV3000Plus equipment that is used for the final disinfection stage of the wastewater treatment process. The current UV system was constructed with four treatment channels. When constructed, three of the four channels were fitted with the UV treatment equipment. The fourth channel was built for expansion to align with PGWWTP designed future flow rates. The plan was to equip the fourth channel with the same UV equipment when the treatment flow approached the capacity of the first three channels. 

Growth in the PGWWTP service area is now generating sufficient flow to justify equipping the fourth channel. Trojan Technologies is the sole manufacture and distributor of the UV3000Plus equipment required to match the existing equipment.  It is imperative that the factory start-up and installation oversite be performed by professionally trained and certified Trojan service providers to maintain product warranty, to guarantee equipment performance, and to avoid safety-related issues and damage to the UV equipment.  The recommended agreement includes the factory startup and installation oversight required for the new UV equipment certification. 

The recommended Contract Purchase Agreement with Trojan Technologies Group ULC is for a not-to-exceed total of $103,000. The Project is funded by the South Placer Wastewater Authority (SPWA).


The proposed project involves the minor alteration of an existing facility. This activity is categorically exempt from CEQA as a Class 1 Exemption (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301). The Exemption has been prepared and no further CEQA action is required. 



Goal C - Maintain a safe and healthy community

Goal E - Deliver exceptional city services

Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeremy Snyder, Preventative Maintenance Supervisor

Richard D. Plecker, Environmental Utilities Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 23-435
Contract Purchase Agreement
CEQA Exemption