Item Coversheet
CC #: 3019
File #: 0102-04
Title:City Council/Boards, Commissions & Committees Administrative Standards Update & Dissolution of Youth Sports Coalition

  Jeff Nereson 916-774-5974


Meeting Date: 11/1/2023

Item #: 7.11.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving updates to the City Council/Boards, Commissions, & Committee Administrative Standards removing reference to the Council-created ad hoc advisory committee, Youth Sports Coalition, and to adopt a resolution to dissolve the Youth Sports Coalition.


The Youth Sports Coalition (YSC) was formed in 2008 by City Council as an ad hoc advisory committee and was intended to provide an organized forum for open communication and cooperation between the City of Roseville and local youth sports leagues and to make advisory recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding youth sports projects throughout the City.  The original purpose of the YSC has changed significantly over time and therefore, on October 4, 2023, staff came before City Council to request direction on whether the Youth Sports Coalition, a Council-created ad hoc advisory committee, should be dissolved.  The City Council voted unanimously in favor of dissolution. 


Regarding the future of the Youth Sports Coalition, which was discussed at the October 4 City Council meeting, staff will be consulting with the youth sports organizations to discuss and determine the format of future, informal meetings, including, the meeting locations (in-person v. virtual), their frequency, the involvement of the Parks & Recreation Commissioners, etc.


Before the YSC may be formally dissolved, the City’s Administrative Standards document must be updated to remove reference to the Youth Sports Coalition. Section 4.06 of the Roseville City Charter authorized the City Council to establish its own meeting procedures.  Prior to 2019, the City Council and the thirteen Boards, Commissions, and Committees had their own separate meeting procedures.  On February 20, 2019, the City Council adopted a resolution to consolidate the individual meeting procedures into one Administrative Standards document.


A redline version of the changes are attached.  A separate staff-only version of the Administrative Standards will also be updated with these same changes if approved.


It is recommended that the changes to the Administrative Standards be approved and that the Youth Sports Coalition be formally dissolved. 


There is no fiscal impact associated with this request.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, or is otherwise not considered a project as defined by CEQA Statute Section 21065 and CEQA State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) and Section 15378.  The update of meeting procedures and dissolution of the Youth Sports Coalition meet the above criteria and are not subject to CEQA.



Goal E - Deliver exceptional city services

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff Nereson, Parks, Recreation & Libraries Manager

Jill Geller, Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Administrative Standards
Resolution 23-426
Resolution 23-427