Item Coversheet
CC #: 1357
File #: 0800-05
Title:800MHz P25 Radio System Trunk Logging Recorder - Purchase Order and Project Contingency Authorization

  Claudia Harlan 916-774-5003


Meeting Date: 3/17/2021

Item #: 7.9.


Staff recommends City Council approve use of a portion of the original 800MHz P25 Radio System project’s second contingency allocation, as outlined in the July 5, 2017 Council Communication, for the purchase of a second Verint Media Recorder - Trunk Logging Recorder (TLR) Server.


On July 5, 2017, Council authorized the purchase of several components for the P25 system and 5% of the project cost, approximately $330,000, in a second contingency allocation.  This contingency was not needed at the time, but a portion of it is now required to pay for an additional TLR server.  The Council Communication included language requiring staff to return to Council for approval to spend any amount from the 5% allocation.


On December 6, 2017, Council authorized the purchase of the existing Verint Media Recorder – TLR Server which was subsequently installed and is currently in use today. The Verint recording system provided by Capture Technologies is the radio recording system for many P25 radio system 'talkgroups' including Police, Fire and Citywide Tactical communications.  The Verint system enables all audio flowing to and from the Roseville Police and Fire Dispatch Communications Center to be recorded including radio traffic, 9-1-1 calls, business phone lines and dispatch-to-dispatch communications with other agencies.


Redundant recording solutions ensure mission critical public safety communications are continuously captured for future retrieval to serve a variety of purposes including response to District Attorney requests, dispatch supervisor training and technical troubleshooting of P25 radio system issues.


The recommended solution costs $31,503.25 which includes Verint equipment, Capture Technologies' implementation and support services, and taxes.  Additionally, there would be another effort to integrate with the Zetron dispatch consoles in the amount of $5,337.60 (assuming high-end until final quote is provided) which will be purchased in a different Purchase Order.  The original project’s second 5% contingency is already budgeted in the 800MHz Radio System Replacement Project’s CIP.  The additional TLR will bring the remaining balance in the CIP to approximately $292,000. Ultimately, staff plans to close out the CIP at the end of the current fiscal year and return the remaining resources to the funds that contributed to the project. .


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, or is otherwise not considered a project as defined by CEQA Statute §21065 and CEQA State Guidelines §15060(c)(3) and §15378.  The purchase and implementation of a Trunk  Logging Recorder meets the above criteria and is not subject to CEQA. No additional environmental review is required.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Peinado, Management Analyst

Troy Bergstrom, Police Chief 

Dominick Casey, City Manager