Item Coversheet
CC #: 1326
File #: 0203-07-01
Title:15kV Metal-Clad Switchgear (RFQ 10-3240) - Contract Purchase Agreement Amendment

  Vince Bottoni 916-774-5641


Meeting Date: 3/17/2021

Item #: 7.3.


Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to Contract Purchase Agreement (3000195) with Crown Technical Systems to increase the total contract amount for the construction and delivery of the Industrial 2 15kV Metal-clad Switchgear.

A formal bid process was issued in November 2019 and awarded to Crown Technical Systems by City Council on February 19, 2020 for the Industrial 2 Switchgear which will replace the existing switchgear that has reached the end of its useful life. Several items that were not included in the original design that went out to bid by City staff were later determined to be necessary and modifications had to be made by the manufacturer in order to provide the desired equipment operation.

The total amount of the contract with Crown Technical Systems will increase by $9,238.49. This changes the total contract amount from $814,004.41 to $823,242.90. Funding is included in the Electric Department's FY2020-21 budget.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, or is otherwise not considered a project as defined by CEQA Statute §21065 and CEQA State Guidelines §15060(c)(3) and §15378.  The approval of Amendment #1 to Contract Purchase Agreement meets the above criteria and is not subject to CEQA. No additional environmental review is required.
Respectfully Submitted,

Vince Bottoni, Power Engineer

Michelle Bertolino, Electric Utility Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 21-091
Amendment 1 Signed