Item Coversheet
CC #: 1354
File #: 0203-06
Title:Audio Visual Services (RFP 01-036) - Contract Purchase Agreement

  Tisha Chinn 916-774-5702


Meeting Date: 3/17/2021

Item #: 7.5.


Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract purchase agreement with EKC Enterprises, Inc. for audio visual services.


The RFP allows for four optional renewal years at one-year intervals.  Staff requests authorization to utilize the optional renewal years of the agreement without further Council approvals, provided that the applicable budget is approved by the City Council each year, or until City staff determines that continuing with the same vendor is not in the City's best interest.


The Public Works Department released RFP 01-036 in December of 2020 to solicit bids for citywide audio visual services on an as-needed basis at a number of locations. These services include project design and engineering, equipment, programming, repair, and training, including design, installation and maintenance services for government access broadcasting and video streaming. Eight companies submitted proposals. The proposals were evaluated on overall proposal, cost, qualifications and experience. EKC Enterprises Inc. was rated the highest, and staff is recommending they be awarded a contract purchase agreement.


Projected spending for this on-call agreement for the remainder of FY2020-21 is $150,000.  Funding for this agreement is included in the Facility Services and Facility Rehabilitation, Information Technology, and Marketing and Communications FY2020-21 approved budgets.  Additional projects may be paid for with funds from approved budgets from other City departments. 


Funds will be encumbered one year at a time pending Council approval of the budget for each year.  Projected spending for the optional renewal years is as follows: FY2021-22 $525,000; FY2022-23 $550,000; FY2023-24 $575,000; FY2024-25 $600,000; and FY2025-26 $350,000.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) only applies to projects which have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. (CEQA Guidelines §15061(b)(3)).

Respectfully Submitted,

Tisha Chinn, Administrative Technician

Jason Shykowski, Public Works Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 21-115
CPA 3001083 EKC Enterprises Inc