Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution to approve the following names for the new parks noted below:
• Four Corners Park for W-50C, a 1.2-acre neighborhood park located off Garland and Telluride/Silver Plume/Castle Rock in West Roseville.
• North Hayden Park for F-101, a 1.2-acre pocket park located off North Hayden Parkway in the Fiddyment Farm area of West Roseville.
Advertisement for names for the above parks occurred in July through August 2020. The advertisement period was four (4) weeks. The Park Naming Subcommittee, consisting of John Allard, Krista Bernasconi, Mike Esparza, Matthew Bridge, and Denis Nishihara, met virtually on September 30, 2020 to review the name submissions along with names on the “active” from last year. “Active” are those names received the year prior and not selected.
Pocket park F-94 was also eligible for naming. This is a 1-acre pocket park north of North Hayden in West Roseville (Fiddyment Farm). Given the timeline to begin construction of this park (Summer 2021), the Subcommittee has chosen to postpone naming this park until the next park naming cycle. Per the policy, the park naming advertisement occurs each July.
Consistent with policy, a short list of names will be forwarded for recommendation to the City Council, upon review and approval by the Parks & Recreation Commission. This year, the Subcommittee elected to forward only one name recommendation for each new park.
Names not selected for recommendation will remain on the “active” list for one year. Please see the attachments for the submission received during this latest advertisement.
Parks & Recreation Commission
The recommended names were presented and approved by the Parks & Recreation Commission at the February 1, 2021 meeting.
Park identification signs for new parks will be included in the construction budgets of each park. There will be no General Fund Impact.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, or is otherwise not considered a project as defined by CEQA Statute §21065 and CEQA State Guidelines §15060(c)(3) and §15378. Approval of park name recommendations meets the above criteria and is not subject to CEQA. No additional environmental review is required.
| Respectfully Submitted,
Tara Gee, Park Planning & Development Superintendent
Jill Geller, Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director | |
Dominick Casey, City Manager