Item Coversheet
CC #: 1736
File #: 0400-04-12-1 & 0400-03 & 0400-04
Title:Sierra Vista Specific Plan Parcels FD-2, FD-5, FD-9, FD-40, FD-63, FD-64 – General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Development Agreement Amendment

  Sean Morales 916-774-5282


Meeting Date: 10/6/2021

Item #: 10.1.


At the August 26, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council take the following actions on the project:


A.     Consider the 5th Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR);

B.     Adopt a resolution approving land use map amendments to the General Plan;

C.     Adopt a resolution approving text and land use map amendments to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan;

D.     Adopt the five (5) findings of fact and introduce for first reading an ordinance approving the Fifth Amendment of the Development Agreement by and between the City of Roseville, Solaire Community Builders, LLC as Assignee of Westpark Sierra Vista, LLC, as Assignee of Westpark Federico, LLC, Mourier Investments, LLC, And Federico-Tyler Family Limited Partnership (“Westpark Federico Agreement”).


This Council Communication provides a summary evaluation of the project and a summary of the August 26, 2021 Planning Commission hearing.  A more detailed background and evaluation is provided in the Planning Commission staff report, included as Attachment 1.


Background/Project Description


The project site is located within the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (SVSP) area, which was adopted on May 5, 2010.  The plan area includes 2,064 acres west of Fiddyment Road and north of Baseline Road.  The requested entitlements would allow for the development of 294 single-family residential units on approximately 55 acres in the western portion of the SVSP area.


The project includes a General Plan Amendment to modify the land use designation of Parcel FD-2 from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR).  An Amendment to the SVSP is included to reflect the land use change and transfer of units among several large lot parcels within the SVSP area.  The affected parcels include FD-2, FD-5, FD-9, FD-40, FD-63, and FD-64.  The project will not change the overall number of residential units designated for the project area.  The Specific Plan Amendment includes changes to the text, table, and figures of the SVSP to reflect the land use change and unit transfers.  As part of the project, the Westpark Federico Development Agreement (DA) will be amended to reflect the changes in land use and unit counts.


Associated with this request was a Tentative Subdivision Map to establish a total of 294 single-family residential lots on Parcels FD-2, FD-5, and FD-9 and a Major Grading Plan to allow rough grading on three additional parcels, FD-40, FD-63, and FD-64. The Planning Commission unanimously approved these entitlements at their August 26, 2021 meeting.  Further discussion and exhibits for these entitlements are included in the Planning Commission staff report (Attachment 1).


Summary Evaluation


As described above, the project involves unit transfers among several large lot parcels within the SVSP area, but will not change the overall number of residential units designated for the project area. The cumulative increase in units for Parcel FD-2 changes the allocation by more than 20% and results in a change in land use from LDR to MDR; therefore, the unit transfers are being processed as a Specific Plan Amendment (SPA). Potential impacts to traffic, utilities, and public facilities were evaluated in the Addendum to the SVSP Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the project (included as Exhibit A), and it was determined that the project does not result in any unanticipated impacts that were not previously evaluated in the SVSP EIR.  As discussed in the Addendum, the project is converting some of the anticipated land uses with a higher water demand to a lower water demand and vice versa. In aggregate, the proposed land use change will result in an overall increase in water demand for the project area of 3.6 acre-feet per year (AFY). The Environmental Utilities Department has determined the change in demand to be negligible. Additionally, based on all of the amendments to the SVSP since adoption there has been an overall decrease in water demand from what was anticipated. The proposed project was found to be substantially consistent with the General Plan and SVSP goals and policies.  The General Plan Land Use map and SVSP document will be updated to reflect the land use change and unit transfers (see Exhibits B—D). 


The project includes a fifth amendment of the Westpark Federico DA (Exhibit E).  The DA will be amended to reflect the proposed unit transfers and land use change. The DA amendment does not amend any previous development obligations and is consistent with the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance.


Summary of Planning Commission Meeting


The project was heard by the City's Planning Commission on August 26, 2021.  The applicant addressed the Commission, spoke in favor of the project, and requested approval by the Commission.  No public testimony was received at the hearing.  The Planning Commission considered the 5th Addendum to the SVSP Environmental Impact Report (EIR), approved the Tentative Subdivision Map and Major Grading Plan and recommended the City Council approve the General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Development Agreement Amendment, with a vote of 5 aye, 0 nay, 2 absent.


The project is not anticipated to result in any negative impacts to the City’s General Fund.  The project will generate construction jobs.


Consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, regarding previously certified and adopted Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), an Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan EIR (SCH #2008032115, certified May 5, 2010) has been prepared to cover the minor technical changes and additions necessary to describe the impacts of the proposed project (see Exhibit A). The Addendum did not identify any new environmental impacts from the project.


Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Sean Morales, Assistant Planner

Mike Isom, Development Services Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Attachment 1 – August 26, 2021 Planning Commission Staff Report and Exhibits
Attachment 2 - Conditions of Approval
Exhibit A – 5th Addendum to the SVSP EIR
Resolution 21-421
Exhibit B - General Plan Amendment Exhibit
Resolution 21-422
Exhibit C - Specific Plan Amendment Exhibit
Exhibit D – SVSP Change Pages
Development Agreement Ordinance
Exhibit E - 5th Amendment of the Westpark Federico Development Agreement