Item Coversheet
CC #: 1923
File #: 0800-02
Title:Folsom Reservoir Raw Water Delivery Reliability Project - Memorandum of Agreement

  Sean Bigley 916-774-5513


Meeting Date: 2/16/2022

Item #: 6.9.


Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Agreement regarding sharing of costs for the Folsom Reservoir Raw Water Delivery Reliability Project between the City of Roseville, City of Folsom, and the San Juan Water District.


Currently, the City of Roseville (Roseville), San Juan Water District (SJWD) and the City of Folsom (Folsom), through an existing 84-inch intake pipeline and associated pumping plant, take raw water from Folsom Lake near the main concrete dam at Folsom Reservoir.  This intake also provides raw water to Folsom State Prison.


The existing raw water system has been operated without major interruption or outages since 1956.  Since there is not a current backup system in place for raw water supply from Folsom Reservoir, the three water agencies, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) completed a Project Alternatives Solutions Study (PASS) in 2006 to identify potential redundant systems that could bring raw water to the agencies if unplanned outages were to occur. The Folsom Pumping Plant and existing 84-inch raw water pipeline are auxiliary features of the Folsom Dam Project and are operated and maintained by Reclamation. 


The PASS Team developed 14 alternatives and narrowed the list to four conceptual projects to further evaluate. Each of the four alternatives were further evaluated on cost, reliability, and benefit.  One of the four alternatives, the River Pump Station, could be built downstream of Folsom Dam and not rely on a fixed water surface elevation in Folsom Reservoir for raw water deliveries and could be operated in any water year type.  A second of the four alternatives, the South Side Pump Station with New Intake in New Auxiliary Spillway, could be built near the Auxiliary Spillway built by USACE. This facility would be built upstream of the Auxiliary Spillway and would be limited by the surface water elevation in Folsom Reservoir and could only be operated in certain water year types. In order to further develop the above technical analyses performed by Reclamation’s Pass Team in the mid-2000’s and determine the next best course of action, the Cities of Roseville and Folsom, and the San Juan Water District wish to conduct a planning and feasibility study to identity the following:

  • Working with each agency to determine the relative demands for sizing of a facility;
  • Review of historic storage and hydrologic conditions to evaluate how often each facility under the different alternatives can be used;
  • Identify pros and cons of each alternative, including operations and maintenance requirements if the facility is Reclamation owned and operated or agency owned and operated;
  • Identify power supply options for each alternative;
  • Identify the environmental requirements for each option (CEQA and/or NEPA);
  • Develop a schedule for any environmental requirements for each option;
  • Include drawings of the layout, alignment and probable construction costs for each alternative;
  • Include probable engineering design and specification development costs for each alternative;
  • Work with each agency and Reclamation to determine if the agencies need to include a new point of diversion in their contracts with Reclamation for the use of new diversion facilities;
  • Identify any regulatory requirements and include a description of what the requirements might be for each alternative;
  • Discussions with Reclamation and the agencies about operations and maintenance/ownership of the facility;
  • Include an overall project schedule for each alternative that includes design, environmental and construction; and,
  • Identify other potential alternatives to be further discussed.


On September 7, 2021, the City of Folsom issued a Request for Proposals for engineering consulting services for the Folsom Reservoir Raw Water Delivery Reliability Project with proposals due to the City of Folsom on November 5, 2021. The Cities of Folsom and Roseville, San Juan Water District, and the Reclamation staff (Technical Committee), evaluated the sole consultant submittal based on relevant project experience, the consultant's understanding of the background and requirements of the project, qualifications and experience of the consultant's design team, previous work with public water agencies and Reclamation, and proposal costs. Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. was the only company to submit a proposal.  Five other consulting firms contacted the City of Folsom and indicated that they would not be submitting a proposal due to current workload or not having specific experience in one of the areas outlined above.  Stantec's proposal meets all of the necessary qualifications and experience requested by the three agencies and the three agencies agree the proposal is responsive.  Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. also has several projects and studies they have completed with the Bureau of Reclamation and the three agencies.  Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Agreement regarding sharing of costs for the Folsom Reservoir Raw Water Delivery Reliability Project between the City of Roseville, City of Folsom, and the San Juan Water District.


The total cost for this project will not exceed $269,710, with the City of Roseville sharing one-third of the cost at $89,903.33.  Roseville’s share will be paid from the existing budget within the Water Utility Administration Budget funded from the Water Operations Fund, which is funded from water utility sales.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to feasibility and planning studies for possible future actions which the agency has not approved or funded (CEQA Guidelines §15262). Because the Folsom Reservoir Raw Water Delivery Reliability Project only authorizes feasibility and planning studies it is statutorily exempt from CEQA review. Following completion of these studies the City and/or participating entities will refine the project proposal and conduct CEQA review prior to project approval.


Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Sean Bigley, Assistant Environmental Utilities Director

Richard Plecker, Environmental Utilities Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 22-038
Memorandum of Agreement document