| | | | | | | | | AGENDA August 3, 2022 VIDEO | | | | |
| | | | | | | | CITY COUNCIL
6:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
311 Vernon Street
Roseville, California
The meeting may be viewed on Comcast channel 14, Consolidated Communications channel 73, and AT&T U-Verse. City Council meetings are also video streamed live on the City’s website at roseville.ca.us/watch and roseville.ca.us/agenda, and the City’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/CityofRosevilleCa.
If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact Voice: 916-774-5200, TDD: 916-774-5220. Requests must be made as early as possible.
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| | | | | | | | | THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE WELCOMES YOUR PARTICIPATION | If an agenda item is open to public comment, such public comment shall be addressed to the chair of the meeting.
Public Comment - Speakers have three minutes under Public Comment to speak on issues that are not listed on the agenda and are within the City's jurisdiction. The Brown Act does not permit any action or discussion on items not listed on the agenda. Consent Calendar - If applicable, the Consent Calendar consists of routine items that may be approved by one motion. Any person can remove an item from the Consent Calendar to be discussed separately. Agenda Items - Speakers have five minutes to address items that are listed on the agenda. Americans with Disabilities Act - Notify the City Clerk or Secretary at least 72 hours in advance if special assistance is required to participate in a meeting including the need of auxiliary aids or services. Audio/Visual Presentations - If making a presentation regarding an agenda item, audio/visual materials must be submitted to the City Clerk or Secretary at least 72 hours in advance. Security procedures are in place to attend Roseville City Council meetings. All attendees must successfully pass through a security metal detector. Any person with a prohibited item will not be allowed entry. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: firearms (even with valid CCW), knives, pepper spray/mace, explosives of any kind/ any weapons and/or dangerous devices of any kind, illegal drugs and alcohol.
Roseville City Clerk 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 916-774-5200 TDD 916-774-5220 |
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| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 3. | PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE | | | | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 4. | MEETING PROCEDURES | | | | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 5.1. | Resolution - Kristi Corral | | | | | | | Commend Kristi Corral for her 26 years of outstanding service and dedication to the City of Roseville, congratulate her for her many accomplishments, and wish her a long, healthy, and enjoyable retirement. | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Melissa Lipp 916-774-5268 mllipp@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | | Bids / Purchases / Services | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7.1. | Traffic Signal Equipment (RFQ 10-3324) - Purchase Orders | | | | | | | Memo from Buyer Sue Jessup and Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer Dennis Kauffman recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-295 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-296 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-297 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-298 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-300 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-301 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-302 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-303 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-304 APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT. Staff requests Council authorize purchase orders with AM Signal, LLC., AZCO Supply, Inc., Control Tech West, Inc., Econolite Control Products, Inc., EYEP Solutions, Inc., J A Momaney Services, Inc. dba JAM Services, Inc., McCain, Inc., Tesco Controls, Inc., and Western Systems, Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidders for the purchase of traffic signal equipment in response to Request for Quotes No. 10-3324. The Public Works Department will use this bid for ongoing traffic signal needs. Funding is included in the Public Works Department's Traffic Signal capital improvement project budgets and in the Electric Fund budget for maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement.. The estimated total annual spend for FY2022-23 is $840,000.
| | | | | | | CC #: 2236 | | | | | | | File #: 0203-13-02 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Sue Jessup 916-746-1702 sjessup@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | | 7.2. | Special Inspection and Materials Testing Services - On-Call Professional Services Agreement | | | | | | | Memo from Park Development Project Manager Ken Peterson and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-289 APPROVING AN ON-CALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND ENGEO INCORPORATED, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-290 APPROVING ON-CALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND BLACKBURN CONSULTING, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THEM ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. The Parks, Recreation & Libraries Department is projecting a number of capital improvement projects over the next four years, including new and major rehabilitation projects requiring materials testing and special inspection services. These agreements include a one-year base term with the option of three additional one-year extensions. Project-specific quotes will be obtained prior to the start of any work. The base year total is not to exceed $100,000 for each consulting firm. The optional one-year extensions shall not exceed $100,000 per year per consulting firm, for a total contract amount not to exceed $400,000 for each firm. Funding for services will be provided through capital improvement project budgets, professional services operating budgets, or developer reimbursements. | | | | | | | CC #: 2230 | | | | | | | File #: 0704 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Ken Peterson 916-746-1233 kjpeterson@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.3. | Roseville Sports Complex - Professional Design Services Agreement Amendment | | | | | | | Memo from Park Planning and Development Superintendent Tara Gee and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-287 APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL DESIGN SERVICES AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND VERDE DESIGN, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council approval of the professional design services agreement amendment for the Roseville Sports Complex in the amount of $421,340. The original agreement amount was approved by Council in July 2021 for $826,245. In December 2021, the Council approved a Purchase and Sales Agreement to purchase 20 acres of property directly to the south of the Sports Complex in order to expand the planned six field complex to a ten field complex. With the work already underway, the additional land purchase expanded the scope of services. The total agreement amount will be $1,247,585. The work will be paid from West Roseville citywide park funds allocated in FY2014-15 toward this capital improvement project. | | | | | | | CC #: 2228 | | | | | | | File #: 0704 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Tara Gee 916-774-5253 tgee@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.4. | Solaire Park (WB-50) - Award of Contract | | | | | | | Memo from Park Development Project Manager Joel De Jong and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-288 APPROVING A DESIGN-ASSIST CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN CARTER/KELLY, INC. AND THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council award a Design-Assist Construction agreement to Carter/Kelly, Inc. with a total contract award amount of $1,620,438 for the construction of Solaire Park (formerly WB-50). The park is an 8.74-acre park site located in the Westbrook area of Sierra Vista off of Solaire Drive near Silver Spruce Drive. The park master plan was approved by City Council on July 21, 2021. Funding for the park construction is provided through the Westbrook Neighborhood Park Fund and was appropriated in the FY2021-22 budget. Maintenance of the park will be funded from the Westbrook Community Facilities District No. 2 (Public Services). There will be no General Fund impact. | | | | | | | CC #: 2229 | | | | | | | File #: 0704 & 0400-04-12-1 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Joel De Jong 916-774-5924 jdejong@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.5. | California Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Program – 2023 Directly Allocated Allowance Allocation | | | | | | | Memo from Electric Resources Analyst David Siao and Electric Utility Director Dan Beans recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-305 APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF 334,821 OF CITY’S 2023 GREENHOUSE CAP-AND-TRADE PROGRAM ALLOWANCES. Staff requests Council approval for allocating Roseville Electric’s 2023 vintage directly allocated allowances. Staff will file a “Publicly Owned Utility Allocation Distribution Form” with the California Air Resource Board by September 1, 2022, according to the City Council approved allowance allocation. There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the allowance allocation. The value of the allowances is estimated at approximately $8 million and will be used to offset greenhouse gas compliance costs Roseville otherwise would have incurred. | | | | | | | CC #: 2237 | | | | | | | File #: 0800-03 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | David Siao 916-746-1613 dsiao@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.6. | Campus Oaks CO-2 - Final Map and Subdivision Agreement | | | | | | | Memo from Assistant Engineer Kerry Andrews and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-294 APPROVING A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND THE NEW HOME COMPANY NORTHERN CALIFORNIA LLC, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and approval of the Campus Oaks CO-2 final map. The Engineering Division has completed its review of the final map and found that it is in compliance with the approved tentative map. This map will create 49 residential lots and 1 landscape lot. The actions requested have no fiscal impact to the City's General Fund. | | | | | | | CC #: 2234 | | | | | | | File #: 0400-04-18-1 & 0400-07 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Kerry Andrews 916-774-5346 kandrews@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.7. | Campus Oaks CO-3 - Final Map and Subdivision Agreement | | | | | | | Memo from Assistant Engineer Kerry Andrews and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-292 APPROVING A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND THE NEW HOME COMPANY NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, LLC, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and approve the Campus Oaks CO-3 final map. The Engineering Division has completed its review of the final map and found that it is in compliance with the approved tentative map. This map will create 62 residential lots, 1 landscape lot and 2 open space lots. The actions requested have no fiscal impact to the City's General Fund. | | | | | | | CC #: 2232 | | | | | | | File #: 0400-04-18-1 & 0400-07 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Kerry Andrews 916-774-5346 kandrews@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.8. | Sierra Vista KT-20B - Final Map and Subdivision Agreement | | | | | | | Memo from Assistant Engineer Kerry Andrews and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-291 APPROVING A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, LLC, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and approve the Sierra Vista KT-20B final map. The Engineering Department has completed its review of the final map and found that it is in compliance with the approved tentative map. This map will create 68 residential lots, 2 public landscape lots and 1 designated remainder lot. The actions requested have no fiscal impact on the City's General Fund. | | | | | | | CC #: 2231 | | | | | | | File #: 0400-04-12-1 & 0400-07 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Kerry Andrews 916-774-5346 kandrews@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | | 7.9. | COVID Homeless Prevention Assistance Program - Community Development Block Grant Agreement | | | | | | | Memo from Housing Analyst Kristine Faelz and Economic Development Director Melissa Anguiano recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-293 APPROVING A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND AMI HOUSING, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council approval of an agreement with AMI Housing for their COVID Homeless Prevention Assistance program funded by the Community Development Block Grant to help prevent homelessness and provide housing stability to an additional 275 Roseville households, for an additional three months each. The new agreement combines the remaining unspent funds from the prior fiscal year of $200,500 with the 2022-23 program year award of $200,000, which totals $400,500. Funds for this project will come from the Community Development Block Grant and will not impact the General Fund. | | | | | | | CC #: 2232 | | | | | | | File #: 0709-05 & 0214 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Kristine Faelz 916-774-5451 kpfaelz@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | | Ordinances (for introduction and adoption - appropriation/urgency measures) | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7.10. | Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Professional Services Agreement and Budget Adjustment | | | | | | | Memo from Associate Engineer Joe Anderson and Public Works Director Jason Shykowski recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-306 APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND TETRA TECH, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6538 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 BUDGET AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS AN APPROPRIATION MEASURE. Staff requests approval of a professional service agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $199,971 for the purpose of developing the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for the City. Staff also requests a budget adjustment to add $149,943 of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant funds to the project, and return that amount of General Fund resources to fund balance. The remaining General Fund resources in the project will fund the contract balance, as matching funds. | | | | | | | CC #: 2238 | | | | | | | File #: 0307-02 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Joe Anderson 916-746-1300 jjanderson@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 8.1. | Retiree Medical Insurance Optional Benefit - Roseville Municipal Code Amendment | | | | | | | Memo from Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer Dennis Kauffman recommending the City Council introduce for first reading an ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.09 OF TITLE 3 OF THE ROSEVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE. Staff requests Council approve an amendment to portions of Title 3 of the Roseville Municipal Code to enhance the readability and clarity of the provisions describing the City's optional retiree medical benefit, and make one additional code change to specify that notices of future amendments to the ordinance shall be sent by U.S. mail to affected retirees. The amendments to the Ordinance will have no fiscal impact. | | | | | | | CC #: 2227 | | | | | | | File #: 0600-03 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Dennis Kauffman 916-774-5313 dkauffman@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | | 9. | SPECIAL REQUESTS/REPORTS/PRESENTATION | | | | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 9.1. | Commercial Corridor Plans Workshop | | | | | | | Memo from Senior Planner Lauren Hocker and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council receive an informational presentation on the Commercial Corridor Plans project, and provide a forum for community input on and discussion of the project and the preliminary draft Specific Plans. No formal action is required or requested. This workshop does not negatively impact the City's General Fund. | | | | | | | CC #: 2235 | | | | | | | File #: 0214 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Lauren Hocker 916-774-5272 lhocker@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | VIDEO | 9.2. | Parks, Recreation & Libraries Strategic Master Plan | | | | | | | Memo from the Park Planning & Development Superintendent Tara Gee and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-309 ADOPTING THE PARKS, RECREATION & LIBRARIES STRATEGIC MASTER PLAN. In July 2021, the Department began a year-long effort to develop a comprehensive strategic master plan that will help guide the Department over the next ten years. The effort started with multiple public outreach efforts, including public workshops, focus group interviews, interviews with the Parks & Recreation Commission, Library Board, Senior Commission and City Council, a statistically valid survey and an online survey. Additional workshops included progress updates on the plan. Funding for this project was approved in the FY2021-22 budget. Implementation of the plan will occur over the next ten years, with funding requested and included in future budgets as needed. | | | | | | | CC #: 2241 | | | | | | | File #: 0704 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Tara Gee 916-774-5253 tgee@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | | NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC City Council, when considering the matter scheduled for hearing, will take the following actions: | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. | Open the Public Hearing
Presentation by Staff
Presentation by applicant or Appellant Accept Public Testimony Appellant or Applicant Rebuttal Period Close the Public Hearing City Council Comments and Questions City Council Action | In the future, if you wish to challenge in court any of the matters on this agenda for which a public hearing is to be conducted, you may be limited to raising only those issues, which you, or someone else raised orally at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence received by the City or before the hearing Public Hearings listed for continuance will be continued as noted and posting of this agenda serves as notice of continuation. |
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| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 10.1. | Northeast Roseville Specific Plan Parcel 25 - Sutter Parking Garage Expansion Design Review Permit Appeal | | | | | | | Memo from Associate Planner Escarlet Mar and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council adopt the Sutter Parking Garage Expansion Initial Study/Negative Declaration; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-307 DENYING THE APPEAL FROM THE MAY 12, 2022 APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION; ADOPTING THE FOUR (4) FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPROVING THE DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBJECT TO SIXY-TWO (62) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. The proposed project includes a request for a Design Review Permit to allow construction of a 192,000 square foot six-story parking garage as an expansion to an existing five-story parking garage located on the Sutter Roseville Medical Center campus. This will not result in negative impacts to the City’s General Fund as it will expand an existing parking garage and will be a beneficial use to the Sutter Roseville Medical Center campus. | | | | | | | CC #: 2239 | | | | | | | File #: 0400-04-02-1 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Escarlet Mar 916-774-5247 emar@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | VIDEO | 10.2. | Sierra Vista Specific Plan Parcel JM-41 and JM-30 - General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Development Agreement Amendment | | | | | | | Memo from Associate Planner Shelby Maples and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council CONSIDER THE ADDENDUM TO THE SIERRA VISTA SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-310 AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-311 AMENDING THE SIERRA VISTA SPECIFIC PLAN; introduce for first reading an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 5428 OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; consider the five (5) findings of fact and introduce for first reading an ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE THIRD AMENDMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND SVC1, LLC RELATIVE TO THE SIERRA VISTA SPECIFIC PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Rezone to adjust the boundary between Community Commercial (CC) Parcel JM-41 and High Density Residential (HDR) Parcel JM-30. The project will convert 0.44 acres from HDR to CC land use. The request also includes a Development Agreement Amendment to reflect the land use change. The project is not anticipated to result in negative impacts to the City’s General Fund. | | | | | | | CC #: 2242 | | | | | | | File #: 0400-02-12-2 & 0400-03 & 0400-04 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Shelby Maples 916-746-1347 smaples@roseville.ca.us
| | | | | VIDEO | 10.3. | 2700 N. Hayden Parkway, Fiddyment Ranch F-8A Apartments - Fee Deferral | | | | | | | Memo from Economic Development Analyst Gina McColl and Economic Development Director Melissa Anguiano recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 22-308 APPROVING FEE DEFERRALS FOR THE 2700 N. HAYDEN PARKWAY, FIDDYMENT RANCH F-8A APARTMENTS PROJECT. Staff requests Council approve a fee deferral for the 2700 N. Hayden Parkway, Fiddyment Ranch F-8A Apartments Project consisting of a 330 affordable residential unit apartment complex in an amount not to exceed $4,889,723.52 until final of building permit/building occupancy. An annual interest rate of 1.25%, prorated on the length of the deferral, will be charged on the monies deferred to cover the City's cost of loss of interest income on the fee deferral and an administrative processing fee of $831 is to be charged to each building permit. The requested deferral itself will not result in a loss of impact fees nor earned interest income. The development impact fees are required to be paid prior to issuance of building permit final/occupancy. | | | | | | | CC #: 2199 | | | | | | | File #: 0215-07 & 0709-03 & 0110 | | | | | | | CONTACT: | Gina McColl 916-774-5452 gmccoll@roseville.ca.us
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| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 11. | COUNCIL REPORTS / PUBLIC COMMENTS | | | | |