November 1, 2023


6:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
311 Vernon Street
Roseville, CA



If an agenda item is open to public comment, such public comment shall be addressed to the chair of the meeting.

Public Comment - Speakers have three minutes under Public Comment to speak on issues that are not listed on the agenda and are within the City's jurisdiction. The Brown Act does not permit any action or discussion on items not listed on the agenda.


Consent Calendar - If applicable, the Consent Calendar consists of routine items that may be approved by one motion. Any person can remove an item from the Consent Calendar to be discussed separately.


Agenda Items - Speakers have five minutes to address items that are listed on the agenda.


Americans with Disabilities Act - Notify the City Clerk or Secretary at least 72 hours in advance if special assistance is required to participate in a meeting including the need of auxiliary aids or services.


Audio/Visual Presentations - If making a presentation regarding an agenda item, audio/visual materials must be submitted to the City Clerk or Secretary at least 72 hours in advance.


Security procedures are in place to attend Roseville City Council meetings. All attendees must successfully pass through a security metal detector. Any person with a prohibited item will not be allowed entry. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: firearms (even with valid CCW), knives, pepper spray/mace, explosives of any kind/ any weapons and/or dangerous devices of any kind, illegal drugs and alcohol.

Roseville City Clerk    311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA    916-774-5200    TDD 916-774-5220

VIDEO5.1.Proclamation - Purple Heart Designation
Proclaim the City of Roseville as a Purple Heart City honoring the service and sacrifice of the men and women in uniform, wounded or killed by the enemy while serving to protect our freedom and encourage the citizens of Roseville, California  to show their appreciation for the sacrifice each Purple Heart recipient made while defending the right to freedom under the banner of our Nation’s flag.

  Blair Hutchison 916-774-5266


VIDEO5.2.Proclamation - Global Entrepreneurship Week November 13-19, 2023
Proclaim November 13-19, 2023 as Global Entrepreneurship Week and encourage the community to support our local entrepreneurs and small business innovators by recognizing the value they bring to our community.

  Blair Hutchison 916-774-5266


7.1.Minutes of Prior Meeting
Memo from City Clerk Technician Melissa Lipp and City Clerk Carmen Avalos recommending the City Council approve the minutes of the October 18, 2023 City Council Meeting.
CC #: 3035
File #: 0102-03

  Melissa Lipp 916-774-5268


Bids / Purchases / Services
7.2.Barton Road Water Treatment Plant East Applied Pipeline Project - Award of Contract
Memo from Associate Engineer Jonathan Cummings and Environmental Utilities Director Richard Plecker recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-422 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND BWD CONSTRUCTION, INC. DBA GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council approval and award of a Construction Agreement to BWD Construction, Inc. dba BWD General Engineering Contractors for the Barton Road Water Treatment Plant East Applied Pipeline Project in the amount of $335,030 and authorization for the City Manager or his designee to approve and pay for contract change orders that could increase the contract amount by no more than 10 percent ($33,503) for a not-to-exceed total contract amount of $368,533. Project expenses will be paid from the Water Rehabilitation Fund, which is funded by revenue from water utility sales.
CC #: 3014
File #: 0900-02

  Jonathan Cummings 916-774-5566


7.3.Electric Generation Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Upgrade - Sole Source Contract Purchase Agreement

Memo from Senior Power Plant Engineer Nathan Ribordy and Electric Utility Director Daniel Beans recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-432 APPROVING A CONTRACT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND TELEDYNE INSTRUMENTS, INC. DBA TELEDYNE ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND TELEDYNE MONITOR LABS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE (3003331). Staff requests Council approve a sole source contract purchase agreement with Teledyne Monitor Labs for the design, purchase and commissioning of upgraded programable logic controls equipment at the Roseville Energy Park and Roseville Peaking Plant. The total cost of the agreement is $195,399.53. Funding is included in the Electric Department's FY2023-24 budget in the City's Electric Fund.

CC #: 3023
File #: 0203-07

  Nathan Ribordy 916-746-1673


7.4.Outage Management System and Interactive Voice Response Software Maintenance and Support Services - Sole Source Contract Purchase Agreement Amendment
Memo from Senior Electric Business Analyst Steve Hancock and Electric Utility Director Daniel Beans recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-441 APPROVING CONTRACT PURCHASE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT #1, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND DATAVOICE INTERNATIONAL INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE (3003109). Staff requests Council approval of the Amendment to the sole source contract purchase agreement with DataVoice International, Inc. for software maintenance and support services. The total cost of the three (3) year agreement is modified from $455,131.63 to $328,533.98, to reflect an updated proposal. Funding is included in the Electric Department’s annual operations budget in the City's Electric Fund.
CC #: 3031
File #: 0203-07

  Steve Hancock 916-774-5631


7.5.Maidu Skate Park Improvements - Contract Purchase Agreement
Memo from Park Development Project Manager Joel De Jong and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-433 APPROVING A CONTRACT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND SPOHN RANCH, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE (3003202). Staff requests Council approve a contract purchase agreement with Spohn Ranch, Inc. in the amount of $192,780 using “piggyback” Sourcewell Contract #112420-SRI, effective through December 28, 2024, for the Maidu Skate Park Improvements. In spring and summer of 2022, staff sought public feedback for renovation of the skate track at Maidu Regional Park. The outreach process included multiple virtual and on-site meetings to gain feedback on desired features, design, elements, construction materials and more.  The funding for the skate track renovation was approved by Council in FY2021-22 from the Citywide Park Fund. Maintenance for Maidu Regional Park is paid for by the General Fund and will remain unchanged.
CC #: 3024
File #: 0203-10

  Joel De Jong 916-774-5924


7.6.Duke Davis Water Feature Renovation Project - Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Call for Bids
Memo from Park Development Project Manager Kelly Appier and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council approve the plans and specifications for the Duke Davis Water Feature Renovation Project and authorize staff to call for bids. The water feature project is located on the Davis Park park site at 1460 Northpark Drive. The estimated cost of renovation is $138,000. Funding for this project has been approved using the bond refunding savings in the Diamond Creek Community Facilities District No. 1 Fund. There will be no increase in maintenance costs.
CC #: 3013
File #: 0203-10

  Kelly Appier 916-774-5927


7.7.Data Cabling and Low Voltage Services - Contract Purchase Agreements

Memo from Administrative Technician Darci Carpenter and Public Works Director Jason Shykowski recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-430 APPROVING A CONTRACT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND ULTRA LINK CABLING SYSTEMS, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE (3003279); and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-431 APPROVING A CONTRACT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND INTEGRITY DATA & FIBER, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE (3003281). Staff requests Council approval for contract purchase agreements with Ultra Link Cabling Systems Inc and Integrity Data & Fiber Inc for Data Cabling and Low Voltage services. The total value of the initial agreement with Ultra Link Cabling Systems Inc. is $80,000 and Integrity Data & Fiber Inc. is $80,000. Funding is included in the FY2023-24 budgets of the Facility Services and Rehabilitation Funds and the Information Technology Operations and Replacement Funds. The funds will be encumbered one year at a time pending Council approval of budgets for each year. The agreements include four (4) one-year optional renewals and staff requests authorization to continue utilizing each contract without further Council approvals until the contract expires, or until City staff determines that continuing with the same vendor is not in the City’s best interest pending Council approval of budgets for that year.

CC #: 3022
File #: 0203-07

  Darci Carpenter 916-774-5702


7.8.Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment – Sole Source Contract Purchase Agreement
Memo from Preventative Maintenance Supervisor Jeremy Snyder and Environmental Utilities Director Richard Plecker recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-435 APPROVING A CONTRACT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES GROUP ULC, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE (3002893). Staff requests Council approval of a sole source contract purchase agreement with Trojan Technologies Group ULC for the factory start up and installation oversight of the Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment at the Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant. The estimated cost of service is $103,000. Funding for this agreement will be provided by the South Placer Wastewater Authority.
CC #: 3026
File #: 0203-09

  Jeremy Snyder 916-746-1829


7.9.Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant Ultraviolet Disinfection System Addition Project – Design-Assist and Construction Agreement
Memo from Preventative Maintenance Supervisor Jeremy Snyder and Environmental Utilities Director Richard Plecker recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-436 APPROVING A DESIGN-ASSIST CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN AUBURN CONSTRUCTORS, LLC, AND THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council approval of a Design-Assist and Construction Agreement to Auburn Constructors for the Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant Ultraviolet Disinfection System Addition Project in the amount of $2,993,300, and authorization for the City Manager or his designee to approve and pay for contract change orders for the Project that could increase the contract amount by no more than 10% or $299,330. Funding for this agreement is provided by the South Placer Wastewater Authority.
CC #: 3027
File #: 0800-02

  Jeremy Snyder 916-746-1829


VIDEO7.10.Work Experience Cooperative Agreement with Placer County - Memorandum of Understanding

Memo from Human Resources Manager Linda Hampton and Human Resources Director Stacey Peterson recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-425 APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND THE COUNTY OF PLACER, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Work Experience (WEX) Cooperative Agreement with Placer County. The Placer County Health and Human Services Department coordinates a paid WEX program that helps participants gain valuable, hands-on work experience.  The City would provide the WEX participants training and supervision.  There is no fiscal impact to the City as the WEX program pays the participant’s wages.

CC #: 3018
File #: 0600

  Linda Hampton 916-774-5215


7.11.City Council/Boards, Commissions & Committees Administrative Standards Update & Dissolution of Youth Sports Coalition
Memo from Parks, Recreation & Libraries Manager Jeff Nereson and Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director Jill Geller recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-426 APPROVING THE DISSOLUTION OF THE YOUTH SPORTS COALITION; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-427 APPROVING THE CITY COUNCIL/BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS UPDATES. Staff requests Council approve a resolution approving updates to the City Council/Boards, Commissions, & Committee Administrative Standards removing reference to the Council-created ad hoc advisory committee, Youth Sports Coalition, and to adopt a resolution to dissolve the Youth Sports Coalition.  The Youth Sports Coalition was formed in 2008 by City Council as an ad hoc advisory committee and was intended to provide an organized forum for open communication and cooperation between the City of Roseville and local youth sports leagues and to make advisory recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding youth sports projects throughout the City.  On October 4, 2023, staff came before City Council to request direction on whether the Youth Sports Coalition, a Council-created ad hoc advisory committee, should be dissolved.  The City Council voted unanimously in favor of dissolution.  There is no fiscal impact associated with this request.
CC #: 3019
File #: 0102-04

  Jeff Nereson 916-774-5974


7.12.School Crossing Guards for Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District - Memorandum of Understanding

Memo from Assistant Transportation Planner Suzanne Engelke and Public Works Director Jason Shykowski recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-421 APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND THE DRY CREEK JOINT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District regarding School Crossing Guards (SCG). The School District will reimburse half of the salary and benefits cost associated with any unwarranted SCGs requested by the School District. There is no General Fund cost associated with this action.

CC #: 3011
File #: 0705

  Suzanne Engelke 916-746-1289


7.13.School Crossing Guard for Roseville City School District - Memorandum of Understanding

Memo from Assistant Transportation Planner Suzanne Engelke and Public Works Director Jason Shykowski recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-437 APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND THE ROSEVILLE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff request Council approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Roseville City School District regarding School Crossing Guards (SCG). The School District will reimburse half of the salary and benefits cost associated with any unwarranted SCGs requested by the School District. There is no General Fund cost associated with this action.

CC #: 3028
File #: 0705

  Suzanne Engelke 916-746-1289


VIDEO7.14.Galleria Overhead Charging Project - Grant Agreement

Memo from Alternative Transportation Manager Ed Scofield and Public Works Director Jason Shykowski recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-423 APPROVING A GRANT AGREEMENT FOR THE GALLERIA OVERHEAD CHARGING PROJECT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND PLACER COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT AND ANY RELATED DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO RECEIVE GRANT FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE. Staff requests Council approve a Grant Agreement and any related forms and agreements necessary to receive $500,000 in grant funding from the Placer County Air Pollution Control District to assist in the purchase and construction of two overhead electric bus charging stations at the Roseville Galleria. The estimated cost to purchase and construct the two overhead chargers is $2,800,000. Funding for this project will be provided by a combination of state and local funds. No General Fund resources will be used for this project.

CC #: 3015
File #: 0721 & 0214

  Ed Scofield 916-774-5449


Ordinances (for introduction and adoption - appropriation/urgency measures)
7.15.Audio Automatic Redaction Services - Professional Services Agreement and Budget Adjustment
Memo from Utility Billing Operations Manager Andrea Blomquist and Electric Utility Director Dan Beans recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-442 APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND YACTRAQ ONLINE INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6744 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS AN APPROPRIATION MEASURE. Staff requests Council approval of a professional services agreement with Yactraq, Inc. for audio automatic redaction services in the amount of $70,000. Staff also requests approval of a budget adjustment which will increase appropriations by $70,000 from the Electric Fund ($35,000), Water Operations Fund ($11,666.67), Wastewater Operations Fund ($11,666.67) and Waste Services Operations Fund ($11,666.66). Subsequent years will be included in the annual adopted Customer Care budget in the utility funds. There is no impact to the General Fund.
CC #: 3032
File #: 0203-06 & 0201-01

  Andrea Blomquist 916-774-5317


7.16.Collection Agency Services - Professional Services Agreement and Budget Adjustment
Memo from Utility Billing Operations Manager Andrea Blomquist and Electric Utility Director Dan Beans recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-443 APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE AND L J ROSS ASSOCIATES, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE IT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE; and adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6745 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS AN APPROPRIATION MEASURE. Staff requests Council approval of a professional services agreement with L J Ross Associates, Inc. for collection agency services. Staff also requests approval of a budget adjustment totaling $50,000 which impacts the Electric Fund ($25,000), Water Operations Fund ($8,334), Wastewater Operations Fund ($8,333) and Waste Services Operations Fund ($8,333) with offsetting revenues totaling $50,000, from the Electric Fund ($25,000), Water Operations Fund ($8,334), Wastewater Operations Fund ($8,333) and Waste Services Operations Fund ($8,333). This is a net neutral budget adjustment. Subsequent years will be included in the annual adopted Customer Care budget in the utility funds. There is no impact to the General Fund.
CC #: 3033
File #: 0800-02 & 0800-03 & 0201-01

  Andrea Blomquist 916-774-5317


7.17.Community Development Block Grant - Budget Adjustment

Memo from Housing Analyst Kristine Faelz and Economic Development Director Melissa Anguiano recommending the City Council adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6743 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS AN APPROPRIATION MEASURE. Staff requests Council approval of a budget adjustment for the FY2023-24 Community Development Block Grant Fund to increase expenditures by $248,298 and revenues by $195,976 for awarded grant funding, unexpended entitlement funding, and estimated program income. This budget adjustment uses Community Development Block Grant funds and will not impact the City's General Fund.

CC #: 3021
File #: 0709-03 & 0214 & 0201-01

  Kristine Faelz 916-774-5451

  Claudia Carreno 916-774-5476


7.18.Waste Collection Vehicles - Budget Adjustment

Memo from Refuse & Stormwater Manager Brian Craighead and Environmental Utilities Director Richard Plecker recommending  the City Council adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6742 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS AN APPROPRIATION MEASURE. Staff recommends that City Council adopt an ordinance to approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $4,000,000 to purchase an additional six (6) waste collection vehicles before the end of 2023. The budget adjustment of $4,000,000 will appropriate funds from the Fleet Replacement Fund into the FY2023-24 Fleet Replacement budget to purchase the vehicles.

CC #: 3009
File #: 0203-01 & 0201-01

  Brian Craighead 916-774-5783


7.19.Water Efficiency Cash for Grass Program Rebates - Budget Adjustment
Memo from Water Conservation Administrator Bobby Alvarez and Environmental Utilities Director Richard Plecker recommending the City Council adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6741 AUTHORIZING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS AN APPROPRIATION MEASURE. Staff requests City Council adopt an ordinance to approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $160,000 for additional Cash for Grass program rebates. Funding for this proposed budget adjustment is available in the Water Operations Fund which receives revenue from water utility sales.
CC #: 3010
File #: 0800-02 & 0201-01

  Bobby Alvarez 916-746-1710


Ceremonial Documents
7.20.Resolution - Linda Hampton
Commend Linda Hampton for her 22 years of outstanding service and dedication to the City of Roseville, congratulate her on her many accomplishments, and wish her a long, healthy, and enjoyable retirement.
CC #: 3036
File #: 0102-10

  Blair Hutchison 916-774-5266


VIDEO8.1.Council Discretionary Funds - Roseville Joint Union High School District
Memo from City Clerk Technician Melissa Lipp and City Clerk Carmen Avalos requesting the City Council consider a request for $3,000 from Council Discretionary Funds for Roseville Joint Union High School District (RJUHSD) for the RJUHSD Local Scholarship Program.
CC #: 3012
File #: 0102-16

  Melissa Lipp 916-774-5268




City Council, when considering the matter scheduled for hearing, will take the following actions:









Open the Public Hearing
Presentation by Staff
Presentation by applicant or Appellant

Accept Public Testimony

Appellant or Applicant Rebuttal Period

Close the Public Hearing

City Council Comments and Questions

City Council Action


In the future, if you wish to challenge in court any of the matters on this agenda for which a public hearing is to be conducted, you may be limited to raising only those issues, which you, or someone else raised orally at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence received by the City on or before the hearing.


Public Hearings listed for continuance will be continued as noted and posting of this agenda serves as notice of continuation.

VIDEO9.1.Terracina North and South Apartments - Fee Deferrals

Memo from Economic Development Analyst Gina McColl and Economic Development Director Melissa Anguiano requesting the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-439 APPROVING FEE DEFERRALS FOR THE 3440 WESTBROOK BOULEVARD, TERRACINA NORTH APARTMENTS PROJECT; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-440 APPROVING FEE DEFERRALS FOR THE 1040 LOWER BANK ROAD, TERRACINA SOUTH APARTMENTS PROJECT. Staff requests fee deferrals for a 168-unit residential apartment complex in an amount of approximately $2,676,000 and for a 116-unit residential unit apartment complex in an amount of approximately $1,482,000, until final of building permit/building occupancy. An annual interest rate of 1.35%, prorated based on the length of the deferrals, will be charged on the monies deferred to cover the City's cost of loss of interest income on the fee deferrals and an administrative processing fee of $924.90 is to be charged to each building permit.

CC #: 3030
File #: 0215-07

  Gina McColl 916-774-5452


VIDEO9.2.Tax and Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act Hearing for Terracina at Westpark Apartments

Memo from Management Analyst Jeannine Thrash and Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer Dennis Kauffman recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-424 APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FOR TERRACINA AT WESTPARK. Staff requests Council conduct a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds by the California Municipal Finance Authority ("CMFA") for the benefit of the Borrower. Roseville 712, L.P., a California limited partnership, or an affiliate thereof (the “Borrower”), has requested that the California Municipal Finance Authority ("CMFA") adopt a plan of financing providing for the issuance of multifamily housing revenue notes or bonds (the “Bonds”) in one or more series at no time to exceed $85,000,000 in outstanding aggregate principal amount, to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement and equipping of a multifamily rental housing project, plus ancillary and subordinate facilities located at 3440 Westbrook Blvd. and 1040 Lower Bank Drive, Roseville, California, to be known as Terracina at Westpark, which Project will be operated by the Borrower. The Board of Directors of the California Foundation for Stronger Communities, a California non-profit public benefit corporation (the “Foundation”), acts as the Board of Directors for the CMFA.  Through its conduit debt issuance activities, the CMFA shares a portion of the issuance fees it receives with its member communities and donates a portion of these issuance fees to the Foundation for the support of local charities. With respect to Roseville, it is expected that 25% of the issuance fee, or approximately $20,000, will be granted by the CMFA to the General Fund of the City. Such grant may be used for any lawful purpose of the City. 

CC #: 3017
File #: 0200 & 0709

  Jeannine Thrash 916-774-5473

  Dennis Kauffman 916-774-5313


VIDEO9.3.Community Facilities District No. 4 (Public Services), Annexation No. 10 (Sierra View Country Club)

Memo from Management Analyst Jeannine Thrash and Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer Dennis Kauffman recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-428 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE OF ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TAX AND SUBMITTING LEVY OF TAX TO QUALIFIED ELECTORS CITY OF ROSEVILLE Community Facilities District No. 4 (Public Services) Annexation No. 10 (Sierra View Country Club); and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-429 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE DECLARING RESULTS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION, DETERMINING VALIDITY OF PRIOR PROCEEDINGS, AND DIRECTING RECORDING OF AMENDED NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN. CITY OF ROSEVILLE Community Facilities District No. 4 (Public Services) Annexation No. 10 (Sierra View Country Club). On December 16, 2021, the Planning Commission approved the developer's request for a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide a 23.1-acre parcel into 75 single family residential lots. Per the conditions of approval, the subject property shall be annexed into the existing infill Community Facilities District No. 4 prior to approval of the Final Parcel Map, for the purpose of covering the costs of the ongoing maintenance obligations. On September 20, 2023, Council approved the Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory to Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 4 (Public Services) and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes Therein and set November 1, 2023, as the date to conduct a public hearing. The annexation of property into infill CFD No. 4 will not impact the City's General Fund. The property owners will pay a special tax, sufficient to pay the maintenance costs of the CFD, to be levied annually on the parcels of real property within the CFD.

CC #: 3020
File #: 0400-04-10

  Jeannine Thrash 916-774-5473

  Dennis Kauffman 916-774-5313


VIDEO9.4.Northeast Roseville Specific Plan Parcel 8 (1513 Eureka Road and 1411 Rocky Ridge Drive) - Specific Plan Amendment

Memo from Associate Planner Kinarik Shallow and Development Services Director Mike Isom recommending the City Council consider the Sprinter Roseville Initial Study/Negative Declaration; and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-434 AMENDING THE NORTHEAST ROSEVILLE SPECIFIC PLAN. Staff request Council approval of a Specific Plan Amendment to amend the Northeast Roseville Specific Plan Parcel 8 Design Guidelines to allow automotive sales with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The request will facilitate the development of a Mercedes Benz Sprinter van sales and service facility at 1513 Eureka Road and 1411 Rocky Ridge Drive. The project is not anticipated to result in any negative impacts to the City’s General Fund.

CC #: 3025
File #: 0400-04-02

  Kinarik Shallow 916-746-1309


VIDEO9.5.Weed Abatement Public Hearing

Memo from Division Chief Michael Bradley and Deputy City Attorney Travis Cochran recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 23-438 OVERRULING ALL OBJECTIONS REGARDING THE ABATEMENT OF WEEDS, DIRT, RUBBISH, AND/OR RANK GROWTHS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY AND ORDERING THE DESTRUCTION OR REMOVAL THEREOF. This item is the second and final step necessary to initiate weed abatement on the property located at 1700 New Meadow Drive. The owner of the property is responsible for the costs associated with providing abatement services. A bill is sent to the property owner detailing the abatement costs, as well as an administrative fee. If the property owner fails to pay the bill, the City places a lien on the subject property and the monies owed are reimbursed through the property tax collection process.

CC #: 3034
File #: 0320-01

  Michael Bradley 916-774-4710

  Travis Cochran 916-774-5325