Item Coversheet
CC #: 2267
File #: 0704-01
Title:Roseville Regional Sports Complex Project - Environmental Clearance and Master Plan Approval

  Tara Gee 916-774-5253 


Meeting Date: 8/17/2022

Item #: 7.1.


Staff recommends the City Council:

  1. Adopt a resolution adopting the Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring and approving the Reporting Program for the Roseville Regional Sports Complex Project.

  2. Approve the Master Plan for the Roseville Regional Sports Complex Program.


Location and Size
The site of the proposed Regional Sports Complex is located at 2600 Westbrook Drive in West Roseville.  The 25-acre site, combined with an existing 3-acre park site (W-50E), could potentially have accommodated six soccer fields along with parking and other support features.  The City entered into a purchase and sale agreement to add an additional 20 acres immediately to the south of the project site. Once the purchase of the 20 acres is complete, the complex site will total approximately 51 acres supporting ten fields, and serve as a more attractive site for statewide and regional events.


Master Plan Proposal
The final master plan includes a ten-field lighted complex with fencing surrounding the fields, two plazas with restrooms and picnic areas, a north and south parking lot, a universally accessible playground (which is located outside of the fenced fields), a looped walking path, a misting cooling system, a corporation yard, EV charging stations with the potential of expansion and an opportunity for future solar panels. It is anticipated that the Complex will be a regional and statewide draw thus becoming an economic driver for the City.


Public Outreach
A preliminary layout was presented during a virtual public workshop held on February 1, 2022. Special interest groups, the general public and Fiddyment/West Park residents were invited to attend.  Over 33 people participated in the workshop.  Comments included:
• Type of field surfacing
• Concerns about traffic, noise and lighting
• What other sports can be accommodated? (e.g. Lacrosse)
• Can parking ensure that vehicles don’t park in the residential areas?
• Will there be pedestrian connections to the east towards the middle and high schools?
• What are the hours of operations for use of the lights and how will this be controlled?
• When will CEQA and the traffic study be completed?
• Can the perimeter pathway be a track?
• Comments about their excitement for the project.


A recording of the meeting is posted on the City’s web page at Parks & Recreation/Parks in the Works.


Additional public workshops were held specific to the universally accessible playground. The first was held virtually on May 24, 2022 and another was in-person on July 7, 2022. In total over a dozen attended including children. As design development plans refine the playground, additional outreach will occur to ensure the playground meets the needs of all abilities.

If approved, construction documents will be developed with a target ground breaking in Spring 2023. Construction may span over an 18 month period, pending weather.

Parks & Recreation Commission
The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed and approved the master plan, pending environmental clearance at the August 1, 2022 meeting.


Funding for this project was augmented by $25,050,000 in the FY2022-23 budget, utilizing FY2020-21 General Fund year-end surplus, Strategic Improvement Funds, and Public Facilities Fee Funds. This augmentation brings the total project budget, including the additional 20-acre land purchase, to $35,542,198. Staff anticipates another budget augmentation, using FY2021-22 General Fund year-end surplus, will be necessary in Spring 2023 with the award of the construction contract. Once constructed, there will be a General Fund impact for operations and maintenance with revenue offsets.


In April 2020, an Addendum to the 2004 WRSP EIR was prepared to address development of a 6-field sports complex on WRSP Parcel W 60A. The City now proposes to acquire adjacent Parcel W-60B within the WRSP Area and expand the proposed Complex. Although environmental review to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) has been completed for a portion of the Proposed Project (6 of the 10 fields), a Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was prepared to evaluate the full buildout of 10 fields. 


As the CEQA Lead Agency, staff determined that a Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) is the appropriate CEQA document to address potential environmental impacts from the proposed project. A Subsequent IS/MND may be prepared if changes to a project or its circumstances occur, or new information becomes available. The Subsequent IS/MND has been prepared because the proposed project does not include substantial changes that would require major revisions of the previously certified West Roseville Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (WRSP EIR) and no significant and unavoidable effects previously examined would be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR. CEQA Guidelines § 15162(a), § 15162(b).  


Notice of the intent to adopt a Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was published in the Sacramento Bee, and sent to property owners and residents within 300’ of the project, and to those who attended the public workshops. The Subsequent IS/MND was made available online and via hard copy for review for 30 days (July 12 through August 10, 2022).  As of the date of this Council Communication, no comments have been submitted.



Goal C - Maintain a safe and healthy community

Goal D - Enhance economic vitality

Goal E - Deliver exceptional city services

Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

Tara Gee, Park Planning & Development Superintendent

Jill Geller, Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 22-329
Vicinity Map
Soccer Complex MMRP
Roseville Sports Complex Master Plan
Roseville Sports Complex - IS/MND
Attachment A - Concept Plans
Attachment C - Visual Simulation
Attachment E - Air Quality
Attachment F - Biological
Attachment G - Cultural Resources
Attachment H - Traffic Impact Study
Attachment I - Environmental Noise Assessment
Attachment B.1.1 - Design Plans
Attachment B.1.2 - Design Plans
Attachment B.1.3 - Design Plans
Attachment B.2.1 - Design Plans
Attachment B.2.2 - Design Plans
Attachment B.2.3 - Design Plans
Attachment B.2.4 - Design Plans
Attachment D - Light Analysis: Part 1
Attachment D - Light Analysis: Part 2
Attachment D - Light Analysis: Part 3
Attachment D - Light Analysis: Part 3