A Tree Mitigation Agreement for required mitigation for the Sierra View residential project was entered into and approved by the City Council on July 19, 2023. The agreed-upon site for mitigation is the large city-owned open space east of North Hayden Parkway and north of Blue Oaks Boulevard in the West Roseville/Fiddyment Farm area. The approved Agreement allowed for a two-part process where the Developer, JMC Homes, would facilitate the planting of native Oaks and Willows on City open space property and would also pay Tree Mitigation Fees and annex into a Community Facilities District (CFD).
The payment into the Tree Mitigation Fund and the annexation into the CFD would offset the costs for the City to maintain the trees.
In compliance with the approved Agreement, JMC Homes, the new landowner, issued a Request for Quotations (RFQ) and received two bids:
• Triangle Properties, Inc.:
Phase 1 - $101,360
Phase 2 - $213,970.
The total bid equals $302,120
• Helix Environmental Planning:
Phase 1 - $179,700
Phase 2 - $196,700.
The total bid equals $376,400
According to the RFQ, award of the contracts, Phase 1 – tree planting via JMC Homes, Inc. and Phase 2 – tree maintenance via City of Roseville, would be the combined total of each phase of work. After review of the responses with the Developer, Triangle Properties, Inc. was the lowest qualified bidder. JMC Homes, Inc. has moved forward with Phase 1.
The City-issued Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA #3303449) would secure maintenance services (Phase 2) of the SVLC 23 Property (AKA, Sierra View Westpark) for a five-year period consistent with the requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Section 1602 permit.