Item Coversheet
CC #: 3190
File #: 0203-09
Title:Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well Drilling: Campus Oaks (Well 13) and Misty Wood (Well 19) - Notice of Completion

  William Montz 916-774-5545


Meeting Date: 3/6/2024

Item #: 6.4.


Staff recommends that the City Council accept the Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well Drilling: Campus Oaks (Well 13) and Misty Wood (Well 19) Project as complete and authorize the Director of Environmental Utilities to execute the Notice of Completion.

The City is actively implementing the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Program, which involves construction of ASR wells capable of both water injection and groundwater extraction. The next two wells identified for development in 2023 were the Campus Oaks (well 13) and Misty Wood (well 19) ASR wells.


The project’s development is being completed in stages as follows.


  • Summer 2023 through Fall 2023: Constructed the down-hole portions of the wells (drilling contract).
  • Fall 2023: Conducted well development, testing, and water quality analysis and begin design of above ground facilities.
  • Winter 2023 to Summer 2024: Finalize above ground plans and specifications and issue Request for Proposals to construct remaining facilities.
  • Fall 2024 through Fall 2025: Construct above-ground site facilities and conduct startup.


The Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells 13 (Campus Oaks) and 19 (Misty Wood) project (#500315) was funded from the Water Construction Fund. The drilling contract was awarded to Stonehouse Drilling and Construction in the amount of $1,341,695. City Council also approved an allowance to pay contract change orders of up to 10% of the value of the contract ($134,170). There were a total of three (3) negotiated change orders during construction. The final contract value with Stonehouse Drilling is $1,379,224.


Project level CEQA compliance for the Campus Oaks ASR well project was accomplished with the preparation of the Hewlett Packard Master Plan EIR and subsequent CEQA addendums for the Campus Oaks Master Plan (SCH No.1995112022). Additionally, both proposed well sites were evaluated in the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Program Draft and Final EIR certified in 2012 (SCH 2009072018), and the Supplement to the ASR Final EIR (certified December 17, 2020). Because the action is consistent with the projects evaluated in the previously certified and adopted CEQA documents, no new affects would be expected to occur and all applicable mitigation measures from the CEQA documents were implemented during the design and construction of the project.


Goal F - Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth

Respectfully Submitted,

William Montz, Assistant Engineer

Richard Plecker, Environmental Utilities Director 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution 24-047
Notice of Completion Attachment A