The Roseville Electric Utility community solar program is a local solar project that provides an alternative solar option for Roseville residents. Community solar eliminates most customer barriers to solar access and provides a local renewable energy option as well as contributing to the utility’s renewable portfolio standards goal.
In 2017, City Council adopted a resolution for the execution of the Master Power Purchase Agreement and land lease agreement with Clean Focus Renewables Incorporated for the implementation of a community solar project and program. Since that time, staff has worked with Clean Focus Renewables Inc. to design the community solar program and rate to meet the objectives and goals of the community solar pilot project.
Roseville's community solar program, Roseville Solective 100% and Roseville Solective 50% are Roseville Electric Utility’s voluntary community solar options. Eligible customers can select to participate at levels reflecting 100% or 50% of their monthly electric consumption. The program provides clean, local, green renewable energy at an affordable price and is expected to kickoff in the fall of 2018.
The program is tailored to residential customers who can’t or choose not to install solar on their roof top. The program is also great for renters, condo owners, and houses with limited access to the sun. The program provides Roseville customers more energy choices and is a new option for them directly contribute to bringing more renewable energy to the local electric grid.
Solective is available to all residential customers with twelve months of uninterrupted electric service. Customers will purchase energy from the program and receive credits for the value of the solar energy generated and contributed to the utility’s renewable portfolio standards.
Key components of Roseville Solective are:
Voluntary pilot program - available to residential customers only
Participation levels - 100% and 50% of their annual energy consumption
Available to low income customers
No sign up contract or fees - customer may subscribe or unsubscribe anytime but are encouraged to participate for 12 months
The proposed community solar rates are consistent with the adopted City Council rate policies. Community solar provides value to solar customers based upon the cost of the services they receive, without shifting costs to other customers.
Customers may select to receive 100% or 50% of their electric usage from Roseville Solective and will be charged and credited according to the program they select. Customers who are enrolled in the low income rate reduction program will receive an adjusted solar credit rate. The low income solar credit includes the community solar 100% credit of -$0.08/kWh plus a public benefit subsidy of -$0.02/kWh. The public benefit subsidy will be paid for by funds from the state-required program that supports low income customers.
Proposed Roseville Solective rate schedule:
Low Income
Solar purchase ($/kWh)
Solar credit ($/kWh)
Customers participating in the program will be billed consumption charges for the energy delivered by Roseville Electric Utility based on the customer’s applicable rate in addition to the 100%, 50%, or low income charges and credits.