Item Coversheet
CC #: 9791
File #: 0102-04, 0103-04-02, 0103-05-02, 0103-06-02, 0103-07-02, 0103-08-02, 0103-09-02, 0103-12-02
Title:City Council/Boards and Commissions Administrative Standards and Municipal Code Updates

  Helen Dreyer 916-774-5356


Meeting Date: 2/20/2019

Item #: 6.19.


Adopt a resolution approving an update to the City Council, and City board and commission meeting procedures; and introduce for first reading an ordinance to update the corresponding municipal code sections.

Staff has consolidated the individual meeting procedures of the City Council and the City's thirteen boards, commissions, and committees into one Administrative Standards document.  Since all public bodies are subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and the City's boards, commissions, and committees must all adhere to the same City policies,  consolidating the meeting procedures is more efficient and lends to a uniform frame for conduct.  While the meeting procedures of the City Council, Board of Appeals, Personnel Board, and the Youth Sports Coalition have been incorporated into the Administrative Standards document, they have unique aspects to them which require portions of their procedures to be called out specifically.  In addition to consolidating the meeting procedures, the following minor changes and clarifications were made, requiring the municipal code to be updated:


  • Simplified the attendance policy;
  • Updated to reflect the current name of the Transportation Commission from the Public Transportation Commission;
  • Updated to reflect the current name of the Grants Advisory Commission from the Roseville Grants Advisory Commission;
  • Updated to reflect the current name of the Senior Commission from the Roseville Senior Commission;
  • Removed antiquated language pertaining to the Personnel Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Library Board;
  • Expanded language regarding who cannot serve on the same board/commission at the same time.


There is no fiscal impact associated with this request.


There is no economic development impact or jobs created from this request.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment (CEQA Guidelines  15061(b)(3)).  The updating of meeting procedures does not include the potential for a significant environmental effect, and therefore is not subject to CEQA.
Respectfully Submitted,

Helen Dreyer, City Clerk Technician

Sonia Orozco, City Clerk 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

Resolution No. 19-48
Meeting Procedures
Appendices I-VII