Item Coversheet
CC #: 9762
File #: 0704-01
Title:Richard and Pauline Roccucci Park - Approval of Master Plan, Plans and Specifications, and Authorization to Call for Bids

  Rjahja Canlas 916-774-5342


Meeting Date: 2/20/2019

Item #: 6.5.


Recommend Council approve the master plan, plans and specifications for Richard and Pauline Roccucci Park and authorize staff to call for bids.

Richard and Pauline Roccucci Park (formerly parksite W-51) is a 4.7-acre park site and is located on Pleasant Grove Boulevard and Chorus Avenue in the West Roseville Specific Plan. The project includes a children’s play area, shaded picnic area, basketball half court, two pickleball courts, and adult fitness equipment. There will be multi-use turf in the middle of the park and a perimeter walkway that will connect to the existing bike trail.


Public Outreach
Two public workshops were held to seek resident input. The first occurred on December 5, 2017 and the second occurred on February 1, 2018. A two week write-in period was conducted from March 19 through April 2, 2018.


Parks & Recreation Commission

The master plan was presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission at the May 7, 2018 meeting. The Commission voted to recommend approval of the master plan to the City Council.



Bids are scheduled to be opened on February 25, 2019. Staff plans to return to Council on April 3, 2019 to seek approval to award the project.


The estimate for construction is $1,093,032.60. Funding for the project was approved in FY2017-18 using funds from the West Roseville Neighborhood Park Development Fund. Maintenance for this park is funded through the West Roseville Community Facilities District for Services. There will be no General Fund impact.


Based on Federal guidelines, there is one job created for every $92,000.00 in direct government spending. Based on that guideline, this project will create 11 new jobs.


Development of WRSP Neighborhood Park W-51 was originally evaluated in the project level West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) EIR (January 2004, SCH# 2002082057). Construction of Neighborhood Park W-51 is found to be within the scope of the project covered by the WRSP Specific Plan EIR. No new effects would be expected to occur and all applicable mitigation measures from the applicable EIR will be implemented during the design and construction of the proposed project. As such, no additional environmental documentation is required.
Respectfully Submitted,

Rjahja Canlas, Park Development Analyst

Dion Louthan, Director, Parks, Recreation, and Libraries 

Dominick Casey, City Manager

W-51 - Master Plan
Roccucci Park Project Manual