Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a service agreement with St. Francis Electric, LLC to perform services for the LED Streetlight Upgrade Project.
Roseville Electric Utility is committed to improving the quality of life for our community and customers with reliable electricity, competitive prices, exceptional service and a culture of safety. The City’s streetlight system (excluding those attached to signal lights) is comprised of approximately 13,200 luminaires, consisting of high pressure sodium, mercury vapor, metal halide and LED types. The City began a replacement effort to transition the existing system to a unified LED system last year. Non-LED streetlights are no longer widely available. Contractor assistance is required to complete installation of the new lights in a timely basis. Roseville Electric Utility shall be responsible for replacing residentially located luminaires and the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing collector and arterial located luminaires, all to LED luminaires. The transition of the streetlight system will result in numerous benefits, including standardizing lighting footprints, reducing maintenance costs, insuring replacement lights are readily available and lowering power consumption of the lighting system.
Roseville Electric Utility solicited proposals through RFP 07-055 LED Streetlight Upgrade Project to contract with a vendor to replace portions of the City’s existing streetlight system with LED streetlights. Two vendor proposals were received and evaluated based on qualifications of firm and team experience, project understanding and plan, cost, and required documents. The evaluation team reviewed and scored the vendor proposals, selecting St. Francis Electric, LLC to provide the requested scope of services because they scored the highest overall of the two vendors across these criteria.
The cost of the services will not exceed $2,240,000.00 over a one year period. Funding is included in the Electric FY2018-19 budget. State mandated public benefits funds, which are required to be used for energy efficiency improvements, will fund $1,500,000 of the total project cost.
Not applicable.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical changes in the environment (CEQA Guidelines §15061(B)(3)). The LED Streetlight Upgrade project does not include the potential for a significant environmental effect, and therefore is not subject to CEQA.
| Respectfully Submitted,
Jason Grace, Electric Operations Manager
Michelle Bertolino, Electric Utility Director | |
Dominick Casey, City Manager