Staff recommends the City Council approve the plans and specifications for the 2019 Bike Trail Resurfacing Project and authorize staff to call for bids.
The City has a proactive bike trail maintenance program designed to seal, protect, and preserve existing pavement by constructing affordable asphalt resurfacing at 7 to 10 year intervals. This keeps City bike trails in good condition and avoids pavement failure that would require more costly rehabilitation or reconstruction. The scope of the 2019 Bike Trail Resurfacing Project consists of resurfacing approximately 406,000 square feet of bike trails in various locations throughout the City as shown in Exhibit A. To date, staff has been tracking which bike trail segments have been resurfaced in prior years so that various segments are proactively resurfaced when needed. Staff plans to ultimately have all of the City’s bike trail maintenance data input into the software database we currently use to schedule our arterial and residential roadway resurfacing projects.
Construction of the 2019 Bike Trail Resurfacing Project is anticipated to begin in early June 2019 and be completed by the end of August 2019.
Plans and specifications for the project have been completed and are available at the City Clerk’s Office for review.
The Engineer’s estimate for construction is approximately $336,000. This project is fully funded with Local Transportation Funds. No General Fund resources will be used.
Federal guidelines suggest that there is one job created for every $92,000.00 in direct government spending. Based on that figure, this project will create approximately 3.6 jobs.
The proposed project involves the maintenance of an existing facility. This activity is categorically exempt from CEQA as a Class 1 Exemption (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301). The Exemption has been prepared and no further CEQA action is required.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cathy Gosalvez, Assistant Engineer
Jason Shykowski, Acting Public Works Director |
Dominick Casey, City Manager