Recommend Council approve the plans and specifications for the Kaseberg Park Gazebo Roofing Project and authorize staff to call for bids.
Kaseberg Park is located on Rand Way in the Northwest Roseville Specific Plan area and features a reservable group picnic area with capacity for 112 people covered by an open lattice-roofed gazebo. The lattice roofing is in disrepair and requires replacement. The new roofing will be upgraded to include a composition shingle roof with solid underlayment and associated structural upgrades to support the new roof. New gutters and downspouts will be added to collect and direct rainwater run-off, and the entire structure will be repainted to preserve the wooden components from the elements and add aesthetic value.
Bids are scheduled to be opened on March 11, 2019. Staff plans to return to Council at a later date to seek approval to award the project.
The architect’s estimate for construction is $65,800.00.
Funding for the project was allocated in FY2017-18 using funds from the Parks, Recreation & Library Capital Fund (315).
Based on Federal guidelines, there is one job created for every $92,000 in direct government spending. Based on that guideline, this project will create no new jobs.
The proposed project involves the maintenance of an existing facility. This activity is categorically exempt from CEQA as a Class 1 Exemption (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301). The Exemption has been prepared and no further CEQA action is required.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joel De Jong, Park Development Analyst
Dion Louthan, Director, Parks, Recreation, and Libraries |
Dominick Casey, City Manager